Kate Sanchez and The Bealls: Why do they care so much?

Shawn Gordon
3 min readOct 25, 2022


Something strange is afoot in California Republican circles. As usual, disgraced Rancho Santa Margarita city councilman Tony Beall and his wife (Assemblywoman Laurie Davies chief of staff) Jennifer Beall are in the middle of it all. We know that both Tony and Jennifer have been found guilty of campaign finance violations. We know that Jennifer is currently under investigation for payroll fraud in her job for Davies. In recent weeks and months, the Bealls have gone full-court press in pushing for Kate Sanchez also to win an Assembly seat (maybe they want to assembly members that owe them favors). There was some good reporting on Sanchez that revealed Beall’s involvement you can read here and here. Basically, Tony (a lawyer) is writing letters for Kate about her mental state and history. I’m curious if this will be disclosed as a campaign contribution given how expensive lawyers are. What comes next is interesting.

Last night a whistle-blower sent me a copy of a letter ostensibly written by Jennifer Beall to the Riverside County Republican Party Central Committee Members. Why would she write it? Well, first of all, it was clearly written by Tony because it has all that lawyer-style word parsing he is so fond of, and there is also no wet signature on the letter. Since Tony was found out about writing for Kate after the metadata in his Microsoft Word file exposed him, they made sure to save this as a PDF and put Jennifer’s name on it since she is less public than Tony. I’m going to paste all seven pages of it below, but the short version is this. Riverside GOP put out a letter saying that Sanchez was falsely claiming support from the GOP, when she hadn’t received those endorsements. What the Bealls (not Sanchez) complained about is that her flyer did NOT make that claim. Here is where the lawyer parsing comes into play. Her flyer says, and I quote (you can also see it below):

“The ONLY State Assembly Candidate endorsed by the Republican Party!”

Your typical voter, which means about 99% of you, don’t know about CAGOP or OCGOP or Riverside GOP, or all the other little organizations that float around. You don’t really know what these endorsements are about, although Tony loves to throw his endorsement out as though it means something, this is from Tony’s Facebook timeline:

We’ll ignore the fact that Sanchez will do exactly zero for public safety. Ok, that’s enough pre-amble, here is the entire letter as pasted images. Keep in mind a few things as you look this over. First, why do the Bealls care so much? Second, if you saw that flyer, would you be thinking about CAGOP or OCGOP or any of that? Third, isn’t the word parsing pretty ridiculous?



Shawn Gordon

All things data, developer, sustainable energy enthusiast as well as prolific musician.